HBI has 260 of these newly called church planters who have submitted their lives for on-the-job-training, like Rajesh. They are joining the 1200 who are already planting churches all over India. More still are coming into the training process as we prepare for 2024. It is a revival of “laborers” called to the harvest. It reminds me of Psalm 110:3, “Your people will be volunteers in the day of Your power…”
These young men must be trained. All that is needed are the resources. One of our partners has offered to match, up to $50,000, any gift given toward the training of this new generation of church planting missionary pastors. That means that any gift you give will be doubled! We are asking you to pray about giving toward this wonderful opportunity between now and Giving Tuesday, November 28th.
You may give by clicking HERE to donate. Or you may write your check to HBI Global Partners and put on the note line: “Church Planter Training.” Send your checks to HBI Global Partners, PO Box 3037, Broken Arrow, OK 74013.
Thank you so much for praying and considering this opportunity. It is guaranteed by the grace of God that people will come to Christ and churches will be planted all over India.
“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” Habakkuk 2:14.
Fulfilling His mission together,
Craig McLeod
Director of National Mobilization
HBI Global Partners |
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