Test Blog

Test Blog

Early in His ministry, Jesus was in the home of Peter.  After healing Peter’s mother-in-law, the entire city of Capernaum showed up at their door bringing all who were sick. The bible clearly tells us that Jesus did not finish that night until He brought healing to every last one of them. 

We Are So Close

It is in that spirit that I write to you today. We are so close to reaching our goal of providing food on the table for one month to every pastor and their families during this time of crisis and shortage of resources in India. With COVID-19 shut-downs and required quarantines, many of our pastors are not receiving their regular support or are not able to work their bi-vocational jobs.

So far, many of you have helped us to bless 1,120 pastor’s homes with this huge act of provision and encouragement. But I believe that we can complete the task of giving to all 1250.

Only 130 To Go

That means that we still have 130 leaders along with their wives and children to provide for. At $50 per family, the goal was $62,500. To date, $56,000 has been given. We only need $6,500 to include every pastor/church planter in our ministry, leaving no one out of the effort.

Let’s Bless Every Last One

I have hesitated to flood you with letters asking for more funding. You have gone above and beyond these last several months to help us meet the crisis head-on.  However, for me it is personal. I have encountered these men of God for ten years now in pastor’s conferences, in their village churches, and have shared meals in some of their homes. These leaders are the real deal. In the face of persecution, they are laying their lives down with a vision to see a church planted in every corner of India

They Are On Our Team

They do what we cannot do. But what we can do is encourage them to press on, to let them know that we are with them on the front lines of reaching the unreached. This gift will not meet their whole need.   But it will bring a mighty wind of encouragement in a dark time.

You may give online by pushing the “DONATE” button on this page. On our website under “Donate”, select “HBI India”.  If you write a check, note “HBI India – pastor relief” and send it to HBI Global Partners, PO Box 3037, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma  74013.

Thank you again for your consideration. Pray with me that every last one of these men and their families will be blessed by this supply. We have reached 1,120. Only 130 to go.

Fulfilling His mission together,

Craig McLeod
National Director
HBI Global Partners

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