An Amazing Opportunity

An Amazing Opportunity

Dear friends,


One of our partners who has a heart and burden for winning and discipling the nation of India through the planting of churches has offered a matching gift of $50,000.

This means that every dollar you give for the training of church-planting pastors between now and “Giving Tuesday,” November 28th, will be matched with the same.

This is an incredible opportunity!!! Please pray about how you might participate in this heartfelt challenge. There is power in partnership. No one person can accomplish the mission.


“Chandra,” 30-years-old, was totally committed to Hinduism, vigorously worshiping his idols daily, often sacrificing animals to the gods. One day, Chandra was simply invited to a prayer meeting and discovered the true God that filled an emptiness that could never be filled in Hindu worship.

Chandra has already planted his first church, even while working daily as a wage laborer to meet his own needs. His mission is to raise up a new generation of Christ followers specifically among the youth. Chandra has no formal education beyond high school and is highly motivated to be trained to grow in his leadership calling.


There are still over a billion people in India who do not know Jesus Christ. HBI is experiencing momentum in the rise of men like Chandra called to be trained as church planting pastors.

You can help these young leaders to fulfill the Great Commission in their regions. They have no lack of calling and passion. Their need is to be discipled and trained to reach the unreached.

Any amount you contribute will be a blessing. AND IT WILL BE DOUBLED!


Meeting the challenge of this matching gift would complete this year’s $400,000 goal needed to continue the training of the growing number of new church planters.

Click HERE to donate. Or you may write your check to HBI Global Partners and put on the note line: “Church Planter Training.” Send your checks to HBI Global Partners, PO Box 3037, Broken Arrow, OK 74013.

You and I are a link in the chain of fulfilling the Great Commission. Thank you for being on the team together with us. The reward is the increase of God’s Kingdom and His glory!!!


Fulfilling His mission together,

Craig McLeod
Director of National Mobilization
HBI Global Partners

There is an easier and more tax efficient way to give through your IRA? It is called a Qualified Charitable Distribution. If you are 70 ½ or older, you can make a gift of up to $100k directly to charity through your IRA. Because you make the gift directly from your IRA, the distribution is not counted in your taxable income. This means you avoid having to recognize the income and help us fund our mission! Please visit our website for more information or to talk with someone about an IRA gift.

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