JANUARY 2025 Prayer Letter

JANUARY 2025 Prayer Letter

Greetings HBI Global Partners Prayer Team!!

Thank you for laboring with us in prayer toward our mission to give everyone an opportunity to hear, understand and respond to the gospel and be discipled into communities of believers, toward the goal of seeing a dynamic transformational church in every village, colony, town, and city of India!


Please note…we would love to know how we may confidentially be praying for you! Just email us at prayer@hbigp.org.

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Dec 31…PRAY that God will give us favor with our partners and friends, who are receiving our year-end letters, to generously give to the wonderful expansion opportunities the Lord is bringing to HBI!

Jan 1…PRAY for HBI GP as Gerry, our current and long-time Executive Director, transitions out and Bobby transitions in, bringing a new season of leadership, as we look forward to all that God has for HBI and HBI GP in 2025.

Jan 2…PRAY as Bobby visits supporting U.S.churches that 1) the Lord would keep the churches rooted in partnership with HBI, and 2) the churches would take a special offering for the Education Center. PRAY for Bobby and Linnet, to enjoy health and safety in all their traveling and strength for their ministry at HBI.

Jan 3…PRAY for Craig in his role as National Director of Mobilization, as he begins 2025 with a 3-fold strategy, including 1) a period of prayer and fasting, 2) strategizing with Bobby to gain fresh focus and clarity in our mission and vision, both in the overall ministry and how each of us with HBI GP fit into the big picture, and 3) for time spent this week meeting with a significant partnering church in South Carolina.

Jan 4…PRAY for the LORD to open doors for developing new relationships and partnerships with individuals and churches toward expanding the support of HBI in 2025. PRAY specifically for the 14 churches with whom Craig is currently in contact to commit to partnering with HBI.

Jan 5… PRAY that we can mobilize small group meetings in various regions of the U.S. to present the ministry to potential new individuals/partners.

Jan 6…PRAY for the leading of the Holy Spirit as Craig seeks to add two additional mobilizers to work alongside him with a vision to build relationships with the local U.S.churches toward the goal of partnering with HBI and the work in India and beyond. PRAY that the Lord will send His chosen people to fill these roles.

Jan 7…PLEASE PRAY for a breakthrough in church planter training provision. The Lord is calling the workers to the harvest and they are going … PRAY for His church to hear the call to generously give through the provision of $565,000 to continue the ongoing training of the church planting recruits. PRAY specifically for our partnering churches to increase the giving this year, and for the development of new partnerships, for the training of church planters.

Jan 8…PRAISE GOD for the progress being made on the construction of our new Education Center, which “is not just a building but a MISSION! PLEASE PRAY as “our vision is to equip Christian professionals to boldly share and live their faith in the marketplace (one of the most unreached people groups), discipling and transforming professionals for Christ. This building is our commitment to empowering Christian professionals for God’s work.”

Jan 9…PRAY for the many non-Christian construction workers to see Christ in the HBI community and come to follow Christ. PRAY for the recruitment of a civil engineer and that God will continue to protect all the work force, as well as the staff, students and campus in general. PRAY for the weather to cooperate as we enter the monsoon season so that we will not be held back by rains, but be able to rapidly move forward and lay each floor so we can work under the shelter of the roof that is laid at each level. PRAY for consistent progress to be able to finish by the end of 2025.

Jan 10…PRAY for Malini, President of HBI, that she might be discerning and wise as she leads HBI; that she be sensitive and alert to the Lord’s leading. PRAY for her health and well-being and that of her family. PRAY for the HBI Administration Leadership team in India and Nepal…for wisdom and knowledge to lead their departments, aligning with the vision and mission of HBI.

Jan 11…PRAY for Ravi Jone, the director of INEC (the arm of HBI that oversees churches and church planting), in his travels to various regions of our 18,000 churches, (totalling only about 40% of the churches that are currently reporting), connecting with and ministering personally with the pastors. PRAY for God’s wisdom and discernment, as he leads the Church Planting effort. PRAY for Ravi Jone, as he searches out and discovers the whereabouts of other new church plants that need to be included in our reporting, communications, and ministry efforts.

Jan 12…PRAY for the ongoing Church planting ministry in the midst of persecution and opposition in the Northern States, where house churches have been closed down and Churches have had services halted.

Jan 13…PRAY for HBI to be able to identify a Director for the Facilities Dept and a Director of Education for schools. PRAY for all of the various ministries of HBI…both on the main campus and also the 8 Training Centers where we are training 1500 leaders/month.

Jan 14…PRAY for Johnson, Principal of HBI college, overseeing the training of 100’s of leaders, and for our many faculty members who are committed to supporting student success, fostering a positive learning environment, and preparing students for successful careers in their chosen field. PRAY for God’s protection for the Bible college from the forces that would seek to undermine the work of the college. “But you, Lord, are a shield around me…” Ps. 3:3a

Jan 15… PRAY for our Academic department and the smooth functioning of the second semester and for all related activities to proceed seamlessly. Also PRAY for student recruitment: we are trusting God for: 15 students for the M.Div. program, 5 students each for the M.Th. programs, and 100 students for the online college.

Jan 16…PRAY for the SPIRITUAL FORMATION AND PASTORAL CARE DEPARTMENT (SFPC) and the regular counseling and Pastoral care for students as well as staff that will enable them to overcome the day to day challenges they face. PRAY for all the SFPC regular activities that will enable students to prepare themselves to become God-class transformational leaders!

Jan 17…PRAY that we reach our goal of 20,000 new churches planted by the end of 2025! “And this Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations…” Mt 24:14

Jan 18…PRAY for our 1400 church-planters/pastors on the frontlines who faithfully serve the Lord in 23 states doing ministry even in the midst of difficulties. Pray for their health, protection, and courage to stand firm in the Lord that they may be “strong and courageous” and “Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples.” 1 Chr 16:24

Jan 19…Continue to PRAY for the goal of $565,000 to continue our CHURCH PLANTER TRAINING!!!!

Jan 20…PRAISE GOD that we have identified an unreached people group that has been selected to be discipled to Christ and have funds available to begin this outreach. PRAISE GOD, one of our RTC’s has begun connecting with this people group!!! PRAY for more trained church-planters to hear God’s call for cross-cultural ministry!

Jan 21…PRAISE GOD for our 8 Regional Training Centers (RTC) established by HBI throughout the nation where church planters are trained, pastors are educated, children’s ministry is developed, local schools are built, and practical community needs are met! These “exist as a strategic hub to develop God class transformational indigenous leaders!” PRAY for the various training programs – both non-formal and informal – in all our RTCs. PRAY for God’s empowerment for our directors, staff, and teachers, and that their lives and their teaching would magnify Christ.

Jan 22…PRAY for the pastors from other evangelical denominations and networks who are coming to our Regional Training Centers seeking training with HBI. This is in addition to our current 1400 church planters. PRAISE GOD for that we successfully trained and equipped 328 men and women from 15 states, and 25 districts through 14 non-formal and informal trainings!

Jan 23…PRAY that we might identify and establish a staff team of at least 5 persons, in 3 of our currently existing RTCs. PRAY that churches in the U.S. will adopt these centers through sponsorship to ensure their success. 

Jan 24…PRAY for the equipping of saints in local churches through the various regional centers; PRAY for the leadership development, disciple-making and church-planting goals for the coming year. PRAY for the planning a preparation of summer courses at RTC Centers.

Jan 25… PRAY God will help HBI International open new doors in Asia to enable the North American church to partner with HBI Global Partners in enabling His mission locally and globally, beyond India.

Jan 26…PRAY for the Drop in Centers (DIC) held in the slums, where currently they are touching the lives of children by providing quality education, skill development and character formation to poor, underprivileged and downtrodden children. PRAISE GOD that the DICs at all the RTCs are being used by the Lord to transform these communities, from which we pray there will develop a new generation of church leaders!

Jan 27…PRAY for the ministry among women and HBI India and Nepal efforts to disciple the unreached women and see women leadership in the church and nation for the mission of God. PRAY for the “Mobilizing Women of Church Growth” (MWCG) training program, where women are given vision and training to actively reach women for Christ.

Jan 28…PRAY for the increasing enrollment and success of the children’s programs at all the RTCs; for the recruitment of reliable, committed staff and teachers; for new Child Development Centers (CDC) in various locations; for protection for the children at our children’s ministries. PRAY for the parents of the children to be drawn to the Lord.

Jan 29…PRAY for Craig in S. CA at a missions conference and for his various other connection opportunities with churches and people in the area!

Jan 30…PRAY for HBI India staff and the leadership team, as well as their families, for all our board members and families, in various nations for 1) spiritual and physical health and protection, 2) Strength and stamina to persevere, 3) Wise and fruitful use of time, and 4) Unity in serving the Lord. PRAY for HBI GP office staff in the U.S. to function efficiently as a team to serve the supporters of HBI. PRAY for our efforts to increase mobilization in Oklahoma!

Jan 31…Reflection: “HBI was founded in 1952 by Dr. Paul V Gupta with a passion to reach the unreached by training one Indian to get another Indian to Jesus Christ by focusing on practical training to develop skills in evangelism and preaching God’s word. HBI started as a Bible Institute, with 5 students and a “borrowed missionary” as the faculty in a rented building…becoming a seminary, and then a Bible college. God has blessed its 72-year ministry by transforming lives as it fulfills its mission of training, equipping, and sending men and women to the unreached in India! “

“…Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him!” 

Jeremiah 17:7

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